Source code for gocd.api.artifact

from gocd.api.endpoint import Endpoint
import time

[docs]class Artifact(Endpoint): base_path = 'go/files/{pipeline}/{counter}/{stage}/{stage_counter}/{job}' def __init__(self, server, pipeline, counter, stage, job, stage_counter=1): """A wrapper for the `Go artifact API`__ .. __: Args: server (Server): A configured instance of :class:gocd.server.Server pipeline (str): The name of the pipeline to work with counter (int): The counter of the pipeline to work with stage (str): The name of the stage to work with job (str): The name of the job to work with stage_counter (int): The counter of the stage to work with, defaults to 1 """ self.server = server self.pipeline = pipeline self.counter = counter self.stage = stage self.job = job self.stage_counter = stage_counter self._base_path = self.base_path.format( pipeline=self.pipeline, counter=self.counter, stage=self.stage, stage_counter=self.stage_counter, job=self.job )
[docs] def list(self): """Lists all available artifacts in this job. See the `Go artifact list documentation`__ for example responses. .. __: Returns: Response: :class:`gocd.api.response.Response` object """ return self._get('.json')
[docs] def get(self, path_to_file): """Gets an artifact directory by its path. See the `Go artifact file documentation`__ for example responses. .. __: Args: path_to_file (str): The path to file to get. It can be nested eg ``dist/foobar-widgets-1.2.0.jar`` Returns: Response: :class:`gocd.api.response.Response` object """ return self._get(path_to_file)
[docs] def get_directory(self, path_to_directory, timeout=30, backoff=0.4, max_wait=4): """Gets an artifact directory by its path. See the `Go artifact directory documentation`__ for example responses. .. __: .. note:: Getting a directory relies on Go creating a zip file of the directory in question. Because of this Go will zip the file in the background and return a 202 Accepted response. It's then up to the client to check again later and get the final file. To work with normal assumptions this :meth:`get_directory` will retry itself up to ``timeout`` seconds to get a 200 response to return. At that point it will then return the response as is, no matter whether it's still 202 or 200. The retry is done with an exponential backoff with a max value between retries. See the ``backoff`` and ``max_wait`` variables. If you want to handle the retry logic yourself then use :meth:`get` and add '.zip' as a suffix on the directory. Args: path_to_directory (str): The path to the directory to get. It can be nested eg ``target/`` timeout (int): How many seconds we will wait in total for a successful response from Go when we're receiving 202 backoff (float): The initial value used for backoff, raises exponentially until it reaches ``max_wait`` max_wait (int): The max time between retries Returns: Response: :class:`gocd.api.response.Response` object A successful response is a zip-file. """ response = None started_at = None time_elapsed = 0 i = 0 while time_elapsed < timeout: response = self._get('{0}.zip'.format(path_to_directory)) if response: break else: if started_at is None: started_at = time.time() time.sleep(min(backoff * (2 ** i), max_wait)) i += 1 time_elapsed = time.time() - started_at return response