Source code for gocd.api.stage

from gocd.api.endpoint import Endpoint

__all__ = ['Stage']

[docs]class Stage(Endpoint): base_path = 'go/api/stages/{id}' def __init__(self, server, pipeline_name, stage_name, pipeline_counter=None): """A wrapper for the `Go stage API`__ .. __: Args: server (Server): A configured instance of :class:gocd.server.Server pipeline_name (str): The name of the pipeline we're working on stage_name (str): The name of the stage we're working on """ self.server = server self.pipeline_name = pipeline_name self.pipeline_counter = pipeline_counter self.stage_name = stage_name
[docs] def get_id(self): return "{pipeline}/{stage}".format(pipeline=self.pipeline_name, stage=self.stage_name)
[docs] def cancel(self): """Cancels a currently running stage Returns: Response: :class:`gocd.api.response.Response` object """ return self._post('/cancel', headers={"Confirm": True})
[docs] def history(self, offset=0): """Lists previous instances/runs of the stage See the `Go stage history documentation`__ for example responses. .. __: Args: offset (int, optional): How many instances to skip for this response. Returns: Response: :class:`gocd.api.response.Response` object """ return self._get('/history/{offset:d}'.format(offset=offset or 0))
[docs] def instance(self, counter=None, pipeline_counter=None): """Returns all the information regarding a specific stage run See the `Go stage instance documentation`__ for examples. .. __: Args: counter (int): The stage instance to fetch. If falsey returns the latest stage instance from :meth:`history`. pipeline_counter (int): The pipeline instance for which to fetch the stage. If falsey returns the latest pipeline instance. Returns: Response: :class:`gocd.api.response.Response` object """ pipeline_counter = pipeline_counter or self.pipeline_counter pipeline_instance = None if not pipeline_counter: pipeline_instance = self.server.pipeline(self.pipeline_name).instance() self.pipeline_counter = int(pipeline_instance['counter']) if not counter: if pipeline_instance is None: pipeline_instance = ( self.server .pipeline(self.pipeline_name) .instance(pipeline_counter) ) for stages in pipeline_instance['stages']: if stages['name'] == self.stage_name: return self.instance( counter=int(stages['counter']), pipeline_counter=pipeline_counter ) return self._get('/instance/{pipeline_counter:d}/{counter:d}' .format(pipeline_counter=pipeline_counter, counter=counter))