Source code for gocd.server

import re

    # python2
    from urlparse import urljoin
    from urllib2 import (

    class CustomRequest(Request):
        """Python2's Request class has no support
        for setting the HTTP method."""

        def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
            if "method" in kargs:
                self.__method = kargs["method"]
                del kargs["method"]
                self.__method = None
            Request.__init__(self, *args, **kargs)

        def get_method(self):
            if self.__method is not None:
                return self.__method
                return Request.get_method(self)

except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    # python3
    from urllib.parse import urljoin
    from urllib.request import (

    CustomRequest = Request

from gocd.vendor.multidimensional_urlencode import urlencoder

from gocd.api import Pipeline, PipelineGroups, Stage

__all__ = ['Server', 'AuthenticationFailed']

[docs]class AuthenticationFailed(Exception): pass
[docs]class Server(object): """Interacting with the Go server If user and password is supplied the client will try to login using HTTP Basic Auth on each request. The intention is to use this class as a jumping off point to the nicer API wrappers in the :mod:`gocd.api` package. Example of intended interaction with this class:: >>> import gocd >>> go_server = gocd.Server('http://localhost:8153', 'admin', 'badger') >>> pipeline = go_server.pipeline('up42') >>> response = pipeline.pause('Admin says no work for you.') >>> response.is_ok True Args: host (str): The base URL for your go server. Example: user (str): The username to login as password (str): The password for this user """ SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = 'JSESSIONID' #: Sets the debug level for the urllib2 HTTP(s) handlers request_debug_level = 0 _session_id = None _authenticity_token = None def __init__(self, host, user=None, password=None): = host self.user = user self.password = password if self.user and self.password: self._add_basic_auth()
[docs] def get(self, path): """Performs a HTTP GET request to the Go server Args: path (str): The full path on the Go server to request. This includes any query string attributes. Raises: HTTPError: when the HTTP request fails. Returns: file like object: The response from a :func:`urllib2.urlopen` call """ return self.request(path)
[docs] def post(self, path, **post_args): """Performs a HTTP POST request to the Go server Args: path (str): The full path on the Go server to request. This includes any query string attributes. **post_args: Any POST arguments that should be sent to the server Raises: HTTPError: when the HTTP request fails. Returns: file like object: The response from a :func:`urllib2.urlopen` call """ return self.request(path, data=post_args or {})
[docs] def request(self, path, data=None, headers=None, method=None): """Performs a HTTP request to the Go server Args: path (str): The full path on the Go server to request. This includes any query string attributes. data (str, dict, bool, optional): If any data is present this request will become a POST request. headers (dict, optional): Headers to set for this particular request Raises: HTTPError: when the HTTP request fails. Returns: file like object: The response from a :func:`urllib2.urlopen` call """ if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode('utf-8') response = urlopen(self._request(path, data=data, headers=headers, method=method)) self._set_session_cookie(response) return response
[docs] def add_logged_in_session(self, response=None): """Make the request appear to be coming from a browser This is to interact with older parts of Go that doesn't have a proper API call to be made. What will be done: 1. If no response passed in a call to `go/api/pipelines.xml` is made to get a valid session 2. `JSESSIONID` will be populated from this request 3. A request to `go/pipelines` will be so the `authenticity_token` (CSRF) can be extracted. It will then silently be injected into `post_args` on any POST calls that doesn't start with `go/api` from this point. Args: response: a :class:`Response` object from a previously successful API call. So we won't have to query `go/api/pipelines.xml` unnecessarily. Raises: HTTPError: when the HTTP request fails. AuthenticationFailed: when failing to get the `session_id` or the `authenticity_token`. """ if not response: response = self.get('go/api/pipelines.xml') self._set_session_cookie(response) if not self._session_id: raise AuthenticationFailed('No session id extracted from request.') response = self.get('go/pipelines') match = r'name="authenticity_token".+?value="([^"]+)','utf-8') ) if match: self._authenticity_token = else: raise AuthenticationFailed('Authenticity token not found on page')
def _set_session_cookie(self, response): if 'set-cookie' not in response.headers: return for cookie in response.headers['set-cookie'].split(';'): if cookie.startswith(self.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME): self._session_id = cookie
[docs] def pipeline(self, name): """Instantiates a :class:`Pipeline` with the given name. Args: name: The name of the pipeline you want to interact with Returns: Pipeline: an instantiated :class:`Pipeline`. """ return Pipeline(self, name)
[docs] def pipeline_groups(self): """Returns an instance of :class:`PipelineGroups` Returns: PipelineGroups: an instantiated :class:`PipelineGroups`. """ return PipelineGroups(self)
[docs] def stage(self, pipeline_name, stage_name, pipeline_counter=None): """Returns an instance of :class:`Stage` Args: pipeline_name (str): Name of the pipeline the stage belongs to stage_name (str): Name of the stage to act on pipeline_counter (int): The pipeline instance the stage is for. Returns: Stage: an instantiated :class:`Stage`. """ return Stage(self, pipeline_name, stage_name, pipeline_counter=pipeline_counter)
def _add_basic_auth(self): auth_handler = HTTPBasicAuthHandler( HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() ) auth_handler.add_password( realm=None,, user=self.user, passwd=self.password, ) install_opener(build_opener( auth_handler, HTTPHandler(debuglevel=self.request_debug_level), HTTPSHandler(debuglevel=self.request_debug_level), )) def _request(self, path, data=None, headers=None, method=None): default_headers = {'User-Agent': 'py-gocd'} if self._session_id: default_headers['Cookie'] = self._session_id default_headers.update(headers or {}) data = self._inject_authenticity_token(data, path) return CustomRequest( self._url(path), data=self._encode_data(data), # None or False == GET request headers=default_headers, method=method, ) def _encode_data(self, data): if isinstance(data, dict): return urlencoder.urlencode(data).encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(data, str): return data.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(data, bytes): return data elif data is True: return ''.encode('utf-8') else: return None def _url(self, path): return urljoin(, path) def _inject_authenticity_token(self, data, path): if (data is None or not self._authenticity_token or path.startswith('go/api')): return data if data == '': data = {} data.update(authenticity_token=self._authenticity_token) return data